name: ornithia tsen
what is a ![]() (Paeonia. spp.) pe·o·ny
you may have noticed these innocuous sprites littered throughout this site. just in the case anyone was wondering what they are, well - they're supposed to be peonies. or at least, pixel-stylised ones. |
ABOUT THE SITEthis site first began to take shape in my freshman year of high school, in the form of a class assignment for computer apps class (2006-07). from there on out it spiraled through various phases, eventually evolving into what you see before you today; a strange conglomerate presentation of digital art, code, and miscellaneous resources.originally, my intent in creating this page had been to emulate the 'cool' websites of foreign (mostly japanese) fanartists. however, this site soon became a means by which to circumvent censorship rules on more prominent art sites such as deviantART. due to tedious code maintenance however the site entered a period of 'reconstruction' around 2008. throughout that time, i occasionally experimented with more 'innovative' layouts and code, though i never strayed too far from frames, as i liked their inherent, nostalgic look - AND THEN ADULTHOOD HIT ME LIKE A BRICK O-). between college and learning to drive (i was a late bloomer - sucks growing up poor with a single parent and little to no access to a vehicle), geting a job, trying and failing to establish a work-life balance and planning "secret" trips to finally visit and meet various friend groups, this project fell apart. i would still visit it on occasion - incorporating tables and bits of java when i did. from my perspective, the focus of the site had (and has) shifted from the material being hosted to the manner in which it was being presented. i also struggled to find a new hosting service - freewebs (now webs) was threatening to pull the plug on its services. i backed up my website, and tinkered with github and bitbucket - at this point i should probably acknowledge the pandemic (circa 2020 - ongoing). i had business cards made during this time ... though i'm not too sure when i'll start using them. i didn't discover neocities until last night (writing this line as of 4/10/2022). migrated everything over since i liked neither github nor bitbucket (they took too long to commit changes, and i like to change things on the fly and see immediate results so lol). webs is still miraculously hosting my files despite threatening deletion over a year ago but eh - i made it so that everything re-directs to this new domain for now. --- special thanks go to mr. b for instilling an interest in coding and web layout/design; jim, our c++ instructor for forcing us to 'think outside the box'; and the early japanese frames sites - for inspiring me artistically with their beautiful hosted works and for providing that first, initial incentive towards personalised site-hosting that would culminate in this humble little abode on the world wide web. |